Saturday, January 2, 2010


For what it's worth, I'm resolving to update this blog more this year. I have great ideas for blog posts, but they don't always make it here. I also want to do more food blogging, so that means I will have to endure Jack making fun of me for taking pictures of food just so I can post them here! LOL I will also post more pictures. I have a bunch that need to be dumped from the camera this very minute. I'm resolving to spend more time with friends and family. I have reconnected with so many people this year and have others I keep in contact with that I need to physically see. Of course, like most other people, I will resolve to lose weight, but first I have to stop bringing all this junk in my house! I heard a newscaster yesterday mention that this year more people are resolving to be fiscally responsible. We're just going to try to stay afloat. With the state of Georgia giving Jack twelve furlough days from February through June, we're just going to try to cover the basics!

So resolutions. I have mine, what are yours?

1 comment:

  1. you're back! Welcome. I'm doing the same...have 3 posts waiting to go up now.
