When I was growing up I had this beautiful knitted stocking made by my Grandmother. It had my name on it and I loved it. It matched my brother's too. So after Jay was born I had this wonderful idea that he needed his Grandmother to make
him a stocking too! So I ordered this book of knitted stockings and gave it to my mom (hint, hint). Talk about trying to bend someone to my own will, right? A couple of years passed and still no stocking. Finally last year my mom decided that she was not going to be able to knit the stocking. So I told her that I would take the project on. Easy, right? Well, I chose this pattern that has these cute Christmas pictures on them. One thing, I had never knitted patterns like this before. More than one color? Never. So I watched a few youtube videos and started to tackle Jay's stocking. As it started I realized it wasn't quite as hard as I had thought it would be. Which was when I made the decision and said it out loud, so now I have to follow through. I mentioned making one for each of my nieces and nephews on my side of the family. That's right, four stockings. Why? Probably crazy.
So Jay's didn't quite make it before Christmas. It actually was finished the beginning of January.

Then came Nell's stocking. For her, I put a little skirt on the elves at the top.

So now we hve two stockings and I've started on David's.

So now I've put it out there to everyone so if I don't finish, I'll completely embarass myself! Actually it's a good kind of accountability for me to put this here and make sure I get these finished. So Merry Christmas early and I hope to have an update for this soon.
Stay tuned for a fun announcement I hope tomorrow!
Hello Nicole...I read your blog on Jolly Mom...I too am a guest blogger this week. I wish I would have seen this when my boys were little...I have a 6 year old and a 2 1/2 year old...both are beyond baby food...but I do try and do frozen yogurt pops for them. They love them. Love your stockings! I knit too. But am not as advanced as you are. I consider myself a free knitter...hope to see more of your blog. xoC